Experience the convenience and efficiency of our platform as it streamlines event management processes at every level. Whether you’re organising a small club event or a large-scale international competition, our tool is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Powerful Event

Management Tool

For Better Event Experience

Book tickets for your children, friends, athletes or update registration details

MNM offers the best experience for the teams or individual participants.

Assign volunteers and sub-organisers to share the work load

Customize tickets according to your needs.

Add sponsors and partners on your event page

View your invoice and ticket anytime

Create qualification events and certify your members.

Create specific reports for your events

The Power Behind the Podium

Ultimate Event


We'll be happy to help you manage an

event from start to finish.



Create and Manage Events

National/International Federations, Clubs, Gyms, and Training Centers Involved in Individual and Multi- Participant Sports.

Manage different roles, and scenarios within an event with the option to customize each ticket according to your event needs.

Multiple Account Roles

Share Your Work Load with Technical Officials and Registrars

Manage Bookings and Earning

Manage all participants of the event and track their income reports.

Bulk approve/reject bookings, check-in, add required docs and equipment, download tickets and invoices.

Advanced Checkout with Customisable Tickets

Athlete, Registrar, Coach, Technical Official, Spectator, Team Ticket, Merchandise Ticket.

Different ticket types, membership restrictive event option, limit event with specific divisions, age calculation options and many more…

Manage Your Organisation with an Intuitive Dashboard

We have prepared an easy-to-use dashboard for you to easily complete and access your daily tasks.

Simplifying Your

Administrative Tasks

Effortlessly Manage Organisation

Smooth Navigation

Ready to Print Event Pass Cards for Athletes

Each card contains a QR code, enabling quick and secure access to attendee details when scanned.

Effortless Check-in via QR Ticket Scanning

Asssign Registrars of a Specific Events, and Process Scan/Check-in.

Let your registrars approve or refuse attendees at will, and easily carry out the check-in procedure using QR codes.

Required Documents and Equipments for Each Ticket

Customize the documents and equipment info that will be specific to each ticket.

If there is a requirement for the event, you can easily obtain it with this feature.

Registration for Individuals

Registration for Teams

End to End

Sport Unification

Enhanced Payment System with MNM Credits

1 Credit = 1 Ticket

Each ticket is considered as one credit. To ensure uninterrupted ticket sales, it is crucial to have a credit balance at all times.

Scoring and Leaderboard

Allowed to Import Event Results from Third Parties.

Predefined scoring systems. Course, Wave, Obstacle Structure. Manual Point Entry. Useful for mobile, tablet or desktop

National and International Ranking

Let the World Know Your Ranking.

Leaderboard in real time, with zero effort. Completely automated, change it manually if needed.

Registration for Individuals

Registration for Teams

End to End

Sport Unification

Experience the convenience and efficiency of our platform as it streamlines event management processes at every level. Whether you’re organising a small club event or a large-scale international competition, our tool is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Powerful Event Management Tool

For Better Event Experience

Book tickets for your children, friends, athletes or update registration details

MNM offers the best experience for the teams or individual participants.

Assign volunteers and sub-organisers to share the work load

Customize tickets according to your needs.

Add sponsors and partners on your event page

View your invoice and ticket anytime

Create qualification events and certify your members.

Create specific reports for your events

The Power

Behind the Podium

Ultimate Event Guide

We'll be happy to help you manage an event from start to finish.

Event Features

Create and Manage Events

National/International Federations, Clubs, Gyms, and Training Centers Involved in Individual and Multi- Participant Sports.

Manage different roles, and scenarios within an event with the option to customize each ticket according to your event needs.

Multiple Account Roles

Share Your Work Load with Technical Officials and Registrars

Manage Bookings and Earning

Manage all participants of the event and track their income reports.

Bulk approve/reject bookings, check-in, add required docs and equipment, download tickets and invoices.

Advanced Checkout with Customisable Tickets

Athlete, Registrar, Coach, Technical Official, Spectator, Team Ticket, Merchandise Ticket.

Different ticket types, membership restrictive event option, limit event with specific divisions, age calculation options and many more…

Manage Your Organisation with an Intuitive Dashboard

We have prepared an easy-to-use dashboard for you to easily complete and access your daily tasks.

Effortlessly Manage Organisation

Simplifying Your

Administrative Tasks

Smooth Navigation

Ready to Print Event Pass Cards

for Athletes

Each card contains a QR code, enabling quick and secure access to attendee details when scanned.

Effortless Check-in via QR Ticket Scanning

Asssign Registrars of a Specific Events, and Process Scan/Check-in.

Let your registrars approve or refuse attendees at will, and easily carry out the check-in procedure using QR codes.

Required Documents and Equipments for Each Ticket

Customize the documents and equipment info that will be specific to each ticket.

If there is a requirement for the event, you can easily obtain it with this feature.

Scoring and Leaderboard

Allowed to Import Event Results from Third Parties.

Predefined scoring systems. Course, Wave, Obstacle Structure. Manual Point Entry. Useful for mobile, tablet or desktop

National and International Ranking

Let the World Know Your Ranking.

Leaderboard in real time, with zero effort. Completely automated, change it manually if needed.

Enhanced Payment System with MNM Credits

1 Credit = 1 Ticket

Each ticket is considered as one credit. To ensure uninterrupted ticket sales, it is crucial to have a credit balance at all times.

The Power

Behind the Podium

Event Features

Experience the convenience and efficiency of our platform as it streamlines event management processes at every level. Whether you’re organising a small club event or a large-scale international competition, our tool is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Registration for Individuals

Registration for Teams

End to End

Sport Unification

Powerful Event Management Tool

For Better Event Experience

Book tickets for your children, friends, athletes or update registration details

MNM offers the best experience for the teams or individual participants.

Assign volunteers and sub-organisers to share the work load

Customize tickets according to your needs.

Add sponsors and partners on your event page

View your invoice and ticket anytime

Create qualification events and certify your members.

Create specific reports for your events

Ultimate Event Guide

We'll be happy to help you manage an event from start to finish.

Create and Manage


National/International Federations,

Clubs, Gyms, and Training Centers

Involved in Individual and

Multi- Participant Sports.

Different Account Roles

Share Your Work Load with Technical

Officials and Registrars

Manage Bookings

and Earning

Manage all participants of the event

and track their income reports.

Advanced Checkout with

Customisable Tickets

  • Athlete

  • Registrar

  • Coach

  • Technical Official

  • Spectator

  • Team Ticket

  • Merchandise Ticket.

Required Documents

and Equipments for

Each Ticket

Required Documents

and Equipments for

Each Ticket

Effortless Check-in

via QR Ticket Scanning

Asssign Registrars of a Specific Events,

and Process Scan/Check-in.

Scoring and Leaderboard

Allowed to Import Event Results

from Third Parties.

Let the World Know Your Ranking.

Manage Your Organisation

with an Intuitive


We have prepared an easy-to-use

dashboard for you to easily complete

and access your daily tasks.

Ready to Print Event Pass

Cards for Athletes

Each card contains a QR code,

enabling quick and secure access

to attendee details when scanned.

Enhanced Payment System with MNM Credits

Each ticket is considered as one credit. To ensure uninterrupted ticket sales, it is crucial to have a credit balance at all times.

1 Credit = 1 Ticket